Jewish CO Project - celebrating and supporting the history of Jewish conscientious objection to war


The Jewish C.O. Project is a new initiative designed:

1. Promote awareness of conscientious objection to war within the Jewish community,

2. Educate youth and young adults about what would happen in a future military draft in the United States and to assist them in being prepared to claim C.O. status if a draft was called,

3. Provide legal support for Jewish members of the US Armed Forces who are struggling with issues of conscience,

4. To tell the story of conscientious objection through history and its connection to Jewish values.

This project is fiscally sponsored by the Oklahoma Objector Community (an interfaith religious humanist community), but we anticipate partnering with a wide range of Jewish and peace organizations to accomplish our mission.

Our project director is James M. Branum, an attorney who has worked in the area of military law since 2006 but who also serves in the Jewish community, including as one of the lay leaders of the Spinoza Havurah, as well as editing Humanistic Judaism magazine.